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Matern Yachting | Volos Greece | Bali 4.1 Charter | Catamaran Charter | Sailing Iris |
Catamaran Rentals| Crewed Charters | Skippered Catamaran | Sailing Holiday | Boat Charter |

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Willy Kazakov

It was a hell of a day... Dolphins to swim with us, The Mama Mia church, the huge tuna fish, the torpilation of the boat trial, some natural products presents, drafr bear, the jealyfish sting, anker issues, some dolphins more, private beaches, plenty of fun, good music and friends, amazing vibes, perfect weather, a rose bush...and the day is not over yet. Sailing IRIS Matern Yachting. With the friendliest captain that you ever can get Peter Matern, and alongside with some good friends Yani Trip , Margarit Ralev.


Antonia MKercheva

Dear Matern Family,

There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be.

Thank you for anchoring this week for us with warmth, togetherness and adventure. Thank you for teaching us that even if we can’t change the direction of the wind, we can adjust our sails to reach our destination. Our lives are enriched with so many beautiful moments this week!

Sea you next summer!


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